Yes! I'm a Darker Skin Tone and What are you Going to do about That?! Yes! I'm a Darker Skin Tone and What are you Going to do about That?!

Yes! I'm a Darker Skin Tone and What are you Going to do about That?!

I'm extremely excited that beauty counters are figuring it out! 

I've had more melanin in my skin for all my life and for all my life I've had the worst time finding make up foundations that could match my blue, brown, and red undertones. 

Here is my experience: walk in a store, ask for help finding a foundation - get "the face." "The face" is that look where by now its always the same: I don't think we have your exact color, but here is what we have... Here we go, escorted over to every shade of colors 20xs lighter than me for most brands. Then there is that one brand with the one darker tone lady that is probably private labeled by one of the other brands that I just passed up - I only know this because all the conveniently darker shades just seemed to adding the same hint of black or brown to deepen the hue. But still I play, and search and buy - just to complete the mission. Even though I still walk out the store with something that will never truly match my tone. 

Today I think the natural hair and natural beauty revolution are making cosmetic brands  see truth and light about the opportunity to service several different customers. 

I'm proud of women demanding to have their beauty counted in skin, in hair, and in make up. has an amazing article that proves women are indeed buying more and making a louder case for brands, retailers and  manufacturers to listen up and take note! 

Psyche Terry 

Chief Inspiration Officer 

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Reference Article:

Race and the beauty counter: What a greater selection of hues says about culture -



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