Introducing the Women’s Health 2022 Healthy Skincare Awards Winners
A lot of the time, skincare can feel like a gamble. You have to start with an investment of both time and money in the hopes that a given formula will do what it says it will, whether that’s to tone down dark circles or clear up a case of bacne. But the risk doesn’t always pay off—and when that happens, you get stuck with a dud only to be left at square one, searching for a product that actually lives up to the hype. If you’ve got a pile of half-used products under your bathroom sink, join the club!
This is all to say: All anyone really wants out of their cleanser, serum, and SPF is results. To make that dream a reality, we went straight to a panel of experts (top dermatologists, to be exact) for our annual Women’s Health Healthy Skin Awards. Alongside the WH beauty team, they’re sharing their input on the tried-and-true products that they both recommend to patients and use themselves.
Meet Our Skincare Experts