
The End of Unicorns

The End of Unicorns

At the end of 2016, beauty magazines across the industry created articles discussing the beauty trends that should be left in that year and that year alone. Among them, the unicorn trend. What is the unicorn trend? When makeup, hair, clothing, nails, etc is modified, colored, and styled as if a unicorn threw up on them. In other words, lots of bright neon color and sparkles. We all remember the Unicorn Frappuccino *inserts eye roll*. The loud trend was deemed a fad and was decided to be left in 2016. And yet, here we are in 2017 and the unicorns are still running loose in the streets.

I, personally, am a fan of muted colors. I revel in the all-black trends (I am still waiting for a color darker than black). Since moving to Florida for school, I have grown from my mostly black wardrobe to a few muted colors: deep blues, greys, and the occasional orange and green (I have to have school spirit at some point, right?). But the unicorn trend reminds me of my adolescent days. The days where Lisa Frank was my everything. Everything I owned had to have bright colors and rainbows and glitter. But instead of giving me a sense of nostalgia, it gives me a sense of nausea. It’s overdone. I actually find myself shielding my eyes from the colors!

Fortunately, the trend has recently taken a more relaxed direction. I find the bright colors have become more matte and the glitter toned down. I’ve also found that there are some unicorn-themed products that (surprisingly) entice me: Unicorn Snot, a glitter gel for the face and body that comes in a variety of colors and Too Faced Unicorn Tears lipstick are just a couple of the products that were all over my social media feeds. Maybe the child in me can come out to play after all…so for now, I won’t say that the unicorn trend needs to be left behind. I believe it needs a more mature look. So run loose little unicorn, but make room for the dark horse, she’s coming to play.

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