
The 2018 Water Trend is... Raw Water?!

The 2018 Water Trend is... Raw Water?!

Raw water is unfiltered and untreated water. This raw water that is trending and being sold is an unfiltered and untreated spring water. It is from a company called Live Water.

2018 has started off very dramatically with this new trend. Everyone expected new trends but no one could have guessed it would be one to take us back to the stone age of not filtering water before drinking.

Raw water is being sold in San Francisco, CA. One bottle is said to be selling for $61 for a decorative 2.5 gallon Jug. Even at this crazy price, it is flying off shelves that stores are having a hard time keeping it in on the shelves. Food safety experts say that consuming “raw” water can lead to infections such as cholera, hepatitis A and E.coli.

As a kid from Africa, I lived in places with less resources including clean water. I have seen people fall badly sick from drinking raw water. So, I do not totally make sense of this new raw water trend. Although, spring water is naturally filtered by rocks, which would be a good point to drink this water raw and maybe to feel closer to nature, but to go ahead and buy a jug of raw water for $61 is a bit absurd.

It has never been clearer that humans would do anything as long it is tagged a trend. Which makes me wonder if we are either developing progressively or retrogressively as human beings. But what do they say about trends, they never last right? Let’s see how far this Raw Water Trend goes.

- Tomide Olowoyo, Urban Hydration





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