
#MeToo & Project No Way! - Note from our Founder

#MeToo & Project No Way! - Note from our Founder

by Psyche Terry (@psycheterry) 

So it seems the Harvey Weinstein controversy has come to a chapter close. I realize there is much more to hear and see but based on the relevancy of this matter (#MeToo) and the position I hold as a public figure for some women, I am going to make a few points about my history with Me Too and my thoughts behind this most recent act of hellacious behavior from a leader in the film and TV industry. 


First, let it be known that Weinstein turned himself in today to the Manhattan police. He would have been arrested today but instead, minutes ago, reports are saying he came in quietly. 


The latest issue he had was with a woman just months ago wanting a part in Project Runway and while Weinstein promised the part (kids cover your eyes) he forced her to perform oral sex on him. She said she said "No, I don’t want to do this." And because it wasn’t consensual- he will likely be charged with class B rape which could earn him 25 years in prison. 


I too as a 20 something year old young professional could have been so anxious and wanting for a forward mobile career that I could have chosen some bad things with male leadership to get me there. But I didn’t. I’ve been hit on, I’ve been flirted with and I would go as far as to say that I certainly could have taken matters further for personal advancement but again - I didn’t! 


I think it is important to know that women are hurt and taken advantage of and that is not OK. These men should be prosecuted. There are also times when we as women must be willing to take the hard route and leave these corporate oppressed behaviors and try it on our own. Be willing to immediately leave the office when someone is behaving unacceptably. Meet in public places as much as possible and Do Your Homework! Find out who you are meeting with and what they’ve done in the past- even on the hush. 


Again, we as women have to be safe and also willing to be strong and decisive and courageous enough to take the first step at building our own careers one fan, one lousy part at a time. 


Psyche Terry (@psycheterry)

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