
Finally, I can see if I can look like  OSCAR-winning Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong'o!

Finally, I can see if I can look like OSCAR-winning Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong'o!

Augmented Reality is changing the beauty industry! It goes like this. If you ever wondered what you look like with yellow lips, purple eye shadow or blue blush. Sephora has an app that allows you to put on a shade of red lipstick and see if it is too bright or too dark for you without it actually touching your skin. Sounds like something from the Jetsons you say? 
The thought of augmented reality in beauty is not really too space age at all. I can actually remember back in the early 90s being the happiest kid on the block because I had a computer program that allowed me to try different hair styles (of course in its most basic form). I think it was something from InStyle magazine or Essence Magazine.  This in a similarity is the same idea. Taking my picture and seeing what different looks look like on me. Is this not the “new” reveal from Sephora and so many other beauty app companies. 
But let’s go never further back. Is this not similar to paper dolls with your picture on them? Changing out paper dolls and putting different styles on them? - oh wait, am I the only one that cut my face out on a photo and tapped it to a paper doll to see what an outfit looked like on me? 
I guess what I’m thinking is that this information is unique- it’s for sure not new. But it’s interesting and if you don’t mind. I need to go back to my Sephora app and try out this Yellow lipstick to see if it can make me look like that African Beauty that keeps winning all the movie awards! 
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