

Giving Good LUHV with WATERisLIFE

Giving Good LUHV with WATERisLIFE

Congratulations! Our 2018 #BlackFriday and #CyberMonday was a meaningful success.

Thanks to YOU, we donated 2,147 gallons of water to families in need!

We happily have been providing naturally sustainable products, ultimately to help transform communities for all men, women and children globally.

Everyone at Urban Hydration has been working diligently to help create happiness around the world by making products that work and giving a portion of proceeds from every product we sell to WATERisLIFE.

As of July 2018, we met our goal and raised enough money to build a well in Kenya! The well is built near a school and will directly impact the community and allow for them to provide for their own energy through the built in solar panels, fund their needed expenses by cheaply providing their neighbors with safe drinking water, and much more.

We are 65% of the way towards building our second well in 2019. Thanks to our wonderful supporters we have been able to come together and make a difference in countless peoples lives.  More wells to come, stay tuned.

We appreciate every one of our lovely #LUHVies, you all are helping make a difference, simply by supporting Urban Hydration.

You continue to hydrate and we'll continue to donate! 

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