Month-of-Giving-Our-mission-to-make-an-impact Urban Hydration Month-of-Giving-Our-mission-to-make-an-impact Urban Hydration

Month of Giving! Our mission to make an impact

Since the start of Urban Hydration, cofounders Psyche and Vontoba Terry have always found ways to give back. A huge part of our mission is to give back to people in need. 

Our mission to provide proper clean water to people, globally, is made true everday because of our partnership with WATERisLIFE. For every product you purchase, we donate ONE GALLON of water to people in need. 

Since 2016, we have been hydrating communties in need and have even built two water wells in Kenya through WATERisLIFE. We are now working to build our own, third water well in Kenya to provide access to clean drinking water to everyone. 

To help us in making this dream come true, donate here!

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