Is-sparkling-water-becoming-more-popular-than-soda Urban Hydration

Is sparkling water becoming more popular than soda?

By: Psyche Terry 

Water water everywhere and it’s sparkling to drink! 

My 5 year old has an honest obsession for sparkling water because while pregnant with him I probably took in a river or a small lake of it. I wanted it so much that I asked for the auto sparkling water in home maker! 

It’s refreshing and it’s low cal and low carb. Now that I know all of the terrible things that soda is made from I’m even more excited about sparkling water.

But with the new health craze around earthy eating and healthy skincare our drink options  are expected to trend the same way! 

Nestle says even they’ve gotten in on the trending concept and customers should expect many more options from them too. So I’m thinking we should plan to see less soda and more water fun options in the aisle! 

Yaaa! To water! 


Nestle revamps sparkling water


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